Friday, February 25, 2005

Just HotBloggin Along

The holidays seem to have a distinctive affect on people. Every cardio machine at my gym had attracted a waiting line by new years. But the weeks passed and the crowd thinned (figuratively more than literally) to the usual group. I don't know if that reflects on fitness dedication or if all those holiday specials and guilts just ran out. Probably all of that and more. This will probably last until the Spring specials and swimsuit season begins.

Me? I'm still working out. Work keeps getting in the way, so I have to keep reminding myself of the importance of health and fitness and adjusting to make things work. There is never time unless I make the time...

Carpe Diem! Seize the day! Or better yet; Carpe Mundus - seize the world! Actually, the online Latin translator I use says that Carpe Diem is "To pluck day" which sounds like fun too. But you get the gist. Get out and threaten the sanctity and security of your daily routine! Yep, I'm feeling the urge to find the next adventure. My wife keeps reminding me that she is/was my midlife crisis ... good to have that handled. But I think I hear far-away places calling... Don't you?

I went to a big local computer store today and found they had a special on a piece of software I've been wanting. $70 with two mail-in rebates, totaling $70. Now, it is an understatement to say I hate mail-in rebates, but to get $70 software for the cost of the sales tax? I bit the bait... I took it up to the cashier and found I was fodder for training day. A manager and 6 trainlings. Groan. And of course there was a problem. The register computer only showed one $30 rebate. So I resigned myself to my fate as a training example. It took a while as the manager led his entourage to the different places in the store to check, explain and fix the problem. On a positive note, I had the manager taking care of things. The store had screwed up and there was no longer a second rebate. They missed taking down the display for the special. But in a happy ending they did knock off $40 from the price ... so in effect I got the bigger rebate without having to pay sales tax on it and send in for that refund.

OK, got to mail in that rebate before it gets lost or forgotten.

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