Friday, March 11, 2005


After I posted the blog with the Carpe Diem snippet I mentioned to my dear wife that I had a new blog up. She read that snippet and questioned my motives... Was I saying I had the urge for a mid-life crisis? What was all this about wanting an adventure?

Hmmm, what were my motives?

Now, I do have to admit that there are certain 2 seater roadsters that look more appealing lately, but I was joking about my wife's pointing out on several occasions that she is my "mid-life" crisis and how it is good to have it (just the crisis part, not the wife or life part) behind me. Always meant in good humor.

Adventure is calling. Heck, it always is. You just have to stop and listen... We all have outings or adventures that beckon us. The "spice of life" kind of stuff. Sometimes they are simple and in our own backyards. Sometimes they are complex and halfway around the world. The challenge becomes making them happen.

...and yes honey, you're invited.

The TV Trap

The broadcast marketing machine is alive and well with Americans watching more TV than ever.

Are you ready for TV-Turnoff Week : April 25 - May 1, 2005? A token statement, if you ask me. But it does bring attention to one of our societal compulsions.

The best statistics I can find online are outdated. This is ironic, considering the networks have very recent numbers. But then, they pay big bucks for them.

According to 2000 Nielsen Media Research study estimates, televisions were on 7 hours a day in the typical home and the average American spent nearly 4 hours a day watching TV. The average child spent more time over the course of a year watching TV than they spent in school. By the age of 65, if you are average, you will have spent 9 years of your life watching television! This does not count time spent watching videos or playing video games. Yikes! And apparently these numbers have gone up since then.

Other interesting TV related snippets:
House of Representatives Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005
Facts and Figures about our TV habits (pdf) sure does look like a good day to get outside!

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