Monday, February 13, 2006

The Parking Space Dilemma

The observation at hand: regular parking spaces versus compact parking spaces.

"Compact" just seems to mean the parking spaces are smaller. Supposedly to fit more, smaller cars. But there doesn't seem to be any restrictions on usage. I've seen larger vehicles parked in compact spaces with wheels on the lines, sometimes touching both sides. There is nothing to say they can't use the spaces. Usually the regular spaces get filled up (often with smaller cars) and there is nowhere else to park. Sometimes I see cars parked over a line, taking up more than one space. This actually makes sense to me. A compact space really means a larger vehicle won't fit well and so should take up more than one space. After all, who wants a tight squeeze. But this seemingly defeats the purpose of having compact spaces in the first place.

So which is it? Larger vehicles are out of luck if the space says compact? They should squeeze in however they can? Or they should overlap into the neighboring spaces? Either way seems nutty... My observation is that the full size spaces fill up first regardless of vehicle size. Probably because of having more room to get in or out of the car and less chances of paint dings.

We have a compact car and a compact pickup truck. The compact spaces can be a bit of a tight fit for the pickup. Especially tight if one of those large SUVs park in the next space.

Dick Cheney Shoots Man

That was the initial headline I saw for the story of the Vice President's hunting accident at a quail ranch last weekend. Where he accidentally shot another hunter with his shotgun. That headline isn't evident today, but you can find tamer titled, more complete versions like this one at USA Today. The story has lit up the blogsphere with a lot of humorous treatment and I won't attempt to come up with better jokes here. Yep, too easy a target even for me.

So why did it take almost 24 hours to get reported? From Political Cortex, a less mainstream site: "So, what we have is an event shrouded in secrecy for almost 24 hours which, when disclosed, was accompanied by a fawning statement by a Bush apparatchik exonerating Cheney from any and all blame and/or liability. Thus, this appears to be yet another example of the Bush administration attempting to manipulate the press and perhaps hide the truth. What really happened on that ranch yesterday? Who the heck knows? What we do know is that, regardless of what actually happened, the administration spin-doctors immediately jumped in and crafted a story that put Cheney in the best possible light. And the 'traditional media' reported that story without any skepticism whatsoever."

Hmmm. A day to sync their stories and they couldn't figure out a way to blame it on terrorist quail?

Valentines Day Approaches

Late last week my eldest daughter took initiative and started making her own Valentines cards to give to her classmates. She cut and folded paper. She drew and colored pictures on them. She hand wrote notes and names. She lined them up, inspected and embellished. Then the cards went with cellophane wrap made to hold a handful of candies. Very industrious and personal. My youngest daughter went with the more traditional method of waiting for the weekend, buying everything and writing the names on. Both girls made nicely decorated Valentines boxes to collect cards in. Good job girls! I expect they will both have wonderful Valentines Days.

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