Saturday, March 06, 2004

To SUV or not to SUV...

I recently got pulled into one of those conversations lambasting SUVs and their owners. Actually, nobody pulled me in, the topic did.

Now, I do not own an SUV, and so I guess the natural tendency was to join in the 'basting. But instead I got caught up in the ironies of the whole conversation. All the little gas guzzlers picking on the big gas guzzlers. It reminded me of a flock of little sparrows trying to chase the big crow out of their sky.

They waste fuel, they're space hogs, they're destroying our natural areas going where they shouldn't, they're rude, you can't see around them, they make life miserable in parking lots and for other more consciencious drivers in general...

And someone who has an SUV pointed out that they need theirs for its utility and ruggedness. They need the capabilities it provides. But then the "well, what about" arguments came up about the "status" buyers. The Hummer Moms whose toughest challenge is taking the kids to school and the biggest load being groceries.

It is most telling when you consider the term "luxury SUV". It is like saying "luxury fun construction vehicle". I find the term almost comedic. Like someone arguing they need heated leather seats in their dump truck.

So when does a vehicle make the crossover to wasteful extravagance? Is there a reasonable amount of room or weight or fuel that a person should be limited to? Would a Recreational Vehicle (camper) used as a daily commuter be in the same "extravagance" category as an SUV? Some RVs would seem like economy vehicles compared to some of the SUVs currently on the road.

Or will this take a natural course similar to the demise of the luxury sedans, station wagons, and full sized vans that were popular in the late 60s and early 70s when gas prices jumped? Will the market change once again driven by some dynamic influence like fuel prices or legislation? Time will tell ... my bet is ... yes, change is inevitable.

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